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We need to be clear that the BBC is not institutionally antisemitic

Criticise it for its failings, but do not tar the whole organisation with the label antisemitic

December 13, 2021 11:58
BBC broadcasting house
London, UK - July 3, 2014: BBC head office and square in front of main entrance with walking people
1 min read

I am in no doubt that the BBC’s anti-Israel bias has been a significant factor in the rise in antisemitism – and, thanks to its reach and repute, a factor in the rise of antisemitism far beyond the UK. 

But it is important to draw the distinction between an anti-Israel bias and the idea that the BBC is antisemitic per se.

That is not to say I disagree with tonight’s demonstration outside Broadcasting House organised by the Campaign Against Antisemitism. It’s simply that I think we should draw a clear line between the truly toxic parts of the BBC – World and BBC News – and the rest. Inevitably, there is occasional seepage into current affairs, panel shows, quizzes, etc, via presenters, panellists and pundits who have been exposed to the same viciously anti-Israel narrative as many of those in the newsrooms, possibly by the BBC in a vicious circle.

Tonight’s protest is needed to highlight that BBC News is still out of control, despite the various safeguards put in place to halt such bias. Looking back, we see that for decades it was able to operate as an arm of the Palestinian PR machine – though, regrettably, the UK Jewish community and other license fee payers who fund the BBC may never know how effectively it did this as, 17 years on, it continues to refuse to release the Balen Report that looked into allegations of bias. 
