Let's take a look at The Jewish Chronicle, 19th April 1918
“Jews Massacred in Russia” “Pogrom in Ukraine” “More Anti-Jewish Riots in Galicia” the headlines scream. In the UK, people are protesting the ‘invasion’ of thousands of Jewish refugees, and as usual during the war,
The Jewish Chronicle has a list of the Jewish soldiers named dead, wounded and missing in action - this week, it’s five dead, four died of wounds, forty three wounded, and two missing.
It’s not all bad news, though. The Shechita prohibition has been abolished in Switzerland. Someone in New York has given a million dollars to charity. Best of all, Lloyds Bank is completely transparent, putting out the following ad:

The adverts talk about the difficult times as well. Harrod’s advertise that
In these days when it is difficult in many quarters to obtain one's needs at all, the fact that Harrods most wonderfully maintain the Quality of all they sell is appreciated and is little likely to be forgotten. |
Glaxo, purveyors of Full Cream Dried Milk, claim to promote ‘mother’s own milk’. They write
You know, and we know too - that there is nothing SO good for Baby as Mother's own milk. And if you’re able to feed your darling yourself, you are to be congratulated. But unfortunately, in these days of strife and worry, Baby's natural food is often not forthcoming. Something else has to be found and without delay! |
Of-course, the solution is Glaxo’s dried milk.
The obituary column mentions Frederic Mocatta, ‘our never-to-be-forgotten friend’, who, like almost everyone else, has by now been forgotten.
So that’s the gloomy review of a 100 year old newspaper. Is the world brighter today? I think so. Do you?