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Yoga, An Auction, Fireworks and A Court Case

This week's amble through the archives brings up some of the more offbeat moments in JC history...

January 23, 2018 15:47
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1 min read

‘Everything that is fit to print’ can give us a laugh sometimes. So take a few minutes to let go of the stress and relax with The Jewish Chronicle of many years ago.

March 15, 1963. The following short paragraph appears on the front page of the Jewish Chronicle:

From a Correspondent,TEL AVIV,

Following a concert by Mr. Yehudi Menuhim at
Ein Gev, near Tiberias, attended by Mr. Ben-Gurion, the Israeli Premier and the
violinist returned to their hotel where, to the astonishment of onlookers, Mr.
Menuhim doffed his tailcoat and Mr. Ben-Gurion took off his battle-dress
jacket — and..both then stood on their heads.

This followed a discussion
of Yoga exercises of which both men are keen exponents.

Less newsy, but quite funny if you think about it, is the following (3rd June 1938):

A boxing tournament was
held at the Stadium Club, Holborn, on Monday night, in aid of the East London
Aid Society of the Home and Hospital for Jewish Incurables.

An auction was conducted
during the interval by Mr. Moss Deyong, and realised £180.

A Scotch
salmon, 26 dressing gowns and a basket of fruit were presented to the Home
after being auctioned.

Altogether, the Home will
benefit to the extent of nearly £800. Mr. Sam Russell organised the boxing.

Though the question is, of-course, what were the people bidding for if the prizes were presented to the Home?