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Geoffrey Alderman

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman


Smell of garbage clears the air

October 15, 2012 10:38
2 min read

I've just finished watching Innocence of Muslims, the film that has led to worldwide, often violent and occasionally murderous protests by adherents of the Islamic faith. As I did so, news came through that Muslim leaders are threatening to bring the film to the attention of the United Nations, with a view to persuading the international community to enact a law against religious defamation.

Just imagine: the leaders of some of world's most populous and influential Muslim countries - including Pakistan, Indonesia and Turkey - will stand before the world and demand that the lampooning and denigration of any religion and its followers be punishable under international law. Any religion? Including Judaism? Any religiously identified people? Including Jews?

Let's look for a moment at some features of the film protests. At first, Muslim spokespersons vouchsafed that the film was the work of Jews. Iranian media charged that the film was the brainchild of "Sam Bacile", apparently an Israeli-American property developer who had financed its production with the assistance of 100 Jewish backers.

Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, blamed "evil Zionists", who had caused the film to be produced in order to vent their fury at "the daily-increasing radiance of Islam and the Holy Koran in the present world". In fact "Sam Bacile" is neither Jewish nor Israeli and his Jewish backers are figments of Islamists' imagination.