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Geoffrey Alderman

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman


Shocking and false slur on Bibi

March 15, 2012 11:55
2 min read

In last week's Independent Dr Avi Shlaim, emeritus professor of international relations at the university of Oxford, unburdened himself of his views on Benjamin Netanyahu and the prospects for peace in the Middle East. Although Shlaim and I are well known to each other (we were both employed by the university of Reading in the early 1970s) we have never engaged in a public debate on these matters. This is not because of any bashfulness on my part. In autumn 2010 I willingly accepted an invitation to appear with Shlaim on a panel sponsored by the Belfast Festival - only to be told, by Shlaim (as we sipped tea together) that he did not wish to share the panel with the likes of me. So our comparative strengths as academic debaters have never been publicly tested. As a result I am forced to respond in print to whatever Shlaim may write.

In last week's Independent Shlaim wrote with great passion. "Netanyahu," he declared "is a bellicose, right-wing Israeli nationalist, a rejectionist on the subject of Palestinian national rights, and a reactionary who is deeply wedded to the status quo…Netanyahu does not believe in peaceful co-existence between equals. He views Israel's relations with the Arab world as one of permanent conflict, as a never-ending struggle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness." Referring to Netanyahu's 1993 monograph A place among the nations, Shlaim insinuated that Netanyahu's apparent yearning for a democratic Arab world, with which Israel might make peace, was totally disingenuous, since Netanyahu confidently expected that this world would never come about. "The Arab Spring," Shlaim proclaimed, "has proved him wrong."

Shlaim graciously admitted that the present Israeli government was democratically elected but then damned it for "putting nationalism above morality and international legality". And after swipes at Netanyahu's propensities as a "land-grabber", Shlaim concluded that "the main threat to regional stability is not Iran but the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories".

No amount of pleading would persuade the JC to give me the space I would need to engage in the scholarly demolition that Shlaim's essay deserves. But I have to say, for the record, that I am deeply shocked that an academic of Shlaim's reported distinction could deem it proper to resort to sweeping unsubstantiated assertion and to treat a very serious subject in terms - virtually exclusively - of a highly personalised attack on a politician he clearly detests.