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Geoffrey Alderman

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman


Our unrepresentative security

April 18, 2011 09:32
3 min read

In the JC of March 11, there was an article by Dr Gilbert Kahn, who teaches political science at Kean University, in the United States. Professor Kahn had attended the annual fund-raising dinner of the Community Security Trust, and the purpose of his column was to lament the fact that British Jews felt obliged to pay - via the CST - for the physical protection that the British state should surely provide out of general taxation.

I want to ask some rather different questions.

What right does a completely private body that happens to call itself the CST have to involve itself in the safety and well-being of British Jews?

What right does it have to represent itself as being a representative body? On its website, the CST boasts that it "represents the Jewish community on a wide range of Police, governmental and policy-making bodies dealing with security and antisemitism."