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Geoffrey Alderman

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman


Open mouths but closed eyes

December 4, 2012 10:21
2 min read

OK. I agree that the semi-hysterical revelries commissioned by Hamas once its cease-fire with Israel had been announced reflect a kind of madness. Much of the Hamas infrastructure is in ruins. A number of key Hamas operatives have succumbed to their wounds. Neither Iran nor Hizbollah came to Hamas's aid. Nor did its Egyptian godfathers of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In brokering the ceasefire, Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi - a son of the Brotherhood - demonstrated just how quickly he can abandon Hamas when it suits him.

And now Morsi has assumed powers more absolute than even his predecessor Hosni Mubarak enjoyed. So much for the "democracy" of the Arab Spring.

In the war for hearts and minds, it seems to me that Israel can indeed congratulate itself. Among western governments, a consensus seems to have emerged that Israel had a right to defend its borders against intolerable missile attacks from Gaza.