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Geoffrey Alderman

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman


OK, Corbyn, let's have an inquiry

May 3, 2012 17:32
3 min read

In the wake of the Raed Salah fiasco a member of the British parliament made an outrageous intervention, about which every British Jew ought to feel thoroughly alarmed.

Salah was accused by the Home Secretary of being an antisemitic, Israeli Arab rabble-rouser who used his oratorical powers to defame both the Jewish state and the Jewish people. Last June, he journeyed to the UK but was arrested and threatened with deportation. However, last month, the deportation order was quashed when his appeal succeeded on all grounds.

The senior judges of the upper tribunal concluded that the Home Secretary had been "misled", had "acted under a misapprehension of the facts", and had shown "disproportionate interference" when deciding to ban him. He is now back in Israel, whose Arab citizens gave him a hero's welcome.

My present purpose is neither to evaluate Salah's particular brand of anti-Jewish prejudice (which is in fact commonplace among Islamists and their British supporters) nor to pass judgment on the unsatisfactory manner in which the British government dealt with his case - though I must place on record my opinion that if, over the years, the Israeli authorities had dealt with him in a much more robust manner it is just possible that the UK judiciary might have taken a less charitable view of Salah.