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The JC letters page, October 20

Claudia Carr, Howard Erdunast,Stan Labovitch, Lord Mitchell, Sidney Spellman, Carol Caplan, Sally Berkovic, Tina Benjamin,  Alastair Falk, Peter Cave, and Rosalind Wright share their views with JC readers

October 20, 2017 13:25
6 min read

Opting in… or out

The Jewish community, in its entirety, must support the proposed introduction of “opt out” for organ donation. Three patients on the Organ Donor Transplant waiting list die every day while waiting for compatible organs to become available.

Studies from around the world consistently demonstrate an increase of organ donors numbers where countries have introduced “opt out”. Increasing the number of available organ donors directly saves lives.

Understandably, the Orthodox community has concerns around the nature of organs that can be removed on death but this can be resolved with additional safeguards. Education is desperately needed to convey a clear understanding to the Jewish community of the importance of organ donation. 

There are also ethical issues. If, for example, a person is not prepared to donate a kidney on death, is it ethically acceptable for that person to accept a kidney during their lifetime?