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The JC Letters Page August 25 2017

Alex Igel, Carol Caplan, M Schachter, Jonathan Hoffman, Barry Hyman, Simon Leigh and Sheila Chiat share their views with JC readers

August 25, 2017 14:32
4 min read

Intolerance will see shuls lose members

I wholeheartedly agree with the views expressed by Miriam Shaviv, (JC, August 11). The vitriol that has emanated from the likes of Rabbis Bassous, Mizrachi and others does not in any way reflect the Judaism that I subscribe to — a Judaism of love, compassion, tolerance and mutual respect.  

Rabbi Dweck was subject to a Leninist-style show trial. It is appalling and draconian that a visionary like him is silenced in this way. These same rabbis were then emboldened to make further outbursts against JW3, a cross-communal institution for all Jews regardless of affiliation and sexual orientation.

The ignorance and bigotry shown by some rabbis to the LGBT community is woeful. A comment was made to me recently by one such to the effect that being gay was a disease that was “curable”.

What is so tragic is that there are Orthodox people who are gay and who have never come out, for fear of being excommunicated. What constant personal torture and turmoil these people must suffer.