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The JC Letters Page July 7 2017

Melvyn Lipitch, Roger Winfield,James Espir, Diana Mohr, Jonathan Hoffman, Gerald Kirsh and Candice Dwek,  share their views with JC readers

July 7, 2017 14:07
4 min read

The disapora’s relationship with Israel 

Israel’s Kotel ruling appears an affront to many diaspora Jews. Whether one disagrees or not with this controversial decision, Israel is a sovereign nation and its prime minister has primary responsibility to his own citizens as he sees it, and his government’s policies are an internal matter.

If being a safe haven for world Jewry is not enough for disgruntled Jews, then perhaps they should make aliyah and become constituents. 

Melvyn Lipitch, 
London, W14

Prime Minister Netanyahu might have done British Jewry a favour by finally revealing his disdain for the diaspora, as you contend in your leader “Not interested” (JC, June 30).