
The JC Leader extra: Hassell must now resign

High Court ruling damns Coroner - she must now go

April 27, 2018 11:02
Mary Hassell court.JPG
1 min read

The JC first highlighted the appalling behaviour of Mary Hassell, senior coroner for Inner North London, in 2015.

Last year we began to campaign for her discriminatory policy against Jews and Muslims to be overturned. We were met with contemptuous silence from Ms Hassell – the same contemptuous silence she offered to grieving relatives.

Now, thanks to a judicial review brought by Stamford Hill’s Adath Yisroel Burial Society, that policy will be replaced.

This is a good day for justice.

But is a very bad day for Ms Hassell, who throughout her term in office has displayed – to put it at its least – a wilful disregard for the rights of the families of those who live under her jurisdiction.

It is quite clear from her behaviour that she has an issue with religious minorities. In 2016, for example, she was reprimanded by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office after complaining that she was being "bullied" by Jews – which amounted to nothing other than her discrimination against Jews being questioned.

Ms Hassell is the only coroner in the country who behaves in this way to Jews and Muslims. Every other coroner understands that it is fundamental to their position to be able to work with minorities.

The High Court is damning of Ms Hassell personally. If she has the slightest degree of integrity – although there is nothing in her previous actions to suggest she has – she will resign immediately.