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Geoffrey Alderman

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman


Just who is really under attack?

November 1, 2013 11:06
2 min read

The contents of a document are sometimes less important than the context in which it was written and the audience for which it was intended.

For proof you need look no further than the strange case of the encyclical against Limmud issued on October 2, published eight days later in the Jewish Tribune, and reported on not merely by the Jewish press worldwide but by no less a prestigious broadsheet than The Times .

The encyclical, signed by seven rabbis, of whom Chanoch Ehrentreu is probably the best known, advised that no Jew “whose heart has been touched by the fear of God” should attend Limmud.

This was clearly aimed at the United Synagogue’s new chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, who had already signalled his intention to ignore the 1995 ruling of the US’s Beth Din, presided over by Lord Sacks, and grace the forthcoming midwinter Limmud with his presence.