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I never felt welcome in the BBC club

Rabbi YY Rubinstein writes exclusively for the JC on why he quit the BBC after 30 years

January 4, 2022 15:33
BBC rabbi quits (Facebook)
5 min read

My association with the BBC started a long time ago in the mid-eighties. As is often the case, I started off appearing on local BBC radio, in my case, Greater Manchester Radio. 

 Northern accents abounded and most program hosts were about as far removed from Radio Four and its Oxbridge elite as you could imagine. 

 On one occasion I was invited onto a Sunday morning show where the co-presenters were quintessential Lancashire men who each wore matching tracksuits. 

 The local Jewish community had applied to erect an Eruv and there was much opposition across the city. My task was to explain exactly what was an Eruv is and why the good citizenry had nothing to fear if one went up. 
