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Geoffrey Alderman

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman


Hypocrisy - the writer's spur

March 21, 2011 10:28
3 min read

I never intended to become a journalist. I have never been trained as a journalist. I have no journalistic accreditation and I am not a member of the NUJ.

Had I told my parents that I had ambitions in the journalistic direction they would at best have given me "a good talking to" and might even have called in a shrink.

My parents wanted me to become a doctor. Naturally, I acceded to their wishes. Indeed, I am the proud holder of two doctorates, though neither is of the sort that my parents originally had in mind.

My father seriously doubted that one could make a living as a historian (a mishegaas), but accepted that I would be paid a salary as an employed academic. So it was, as an employed academic, that I began to receive invitations to write for the press. It was by that particular side-door that I entered the world of the professional columnist.