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Honey cake — the best recipe

At Rosh Hashanah time everyone is looking for a recipe for this Ashkenazi classic. Here's the one I've chosen this year

September 17, 2017 19:27
Hanna G's honey cake.jpg
3 min read

Whenever I make honey cake I'm flabbergasted by the sugar content.

It's tooth rot incarnate and sits firmly in the ‘I wish I didn’t know how bad it is for me’ category of foods. This classification began when I trained as a chef and the reality of what’s in certain foods (briefly) put me off them. The huge lump of butter in a croissant dough. The bucket of oil that is mayonnaise. Ignorance is bliss where they are concerned.

The bake all Ashkenazi Jews nosh over our New Year could not include more sweeteners. Most of the recipes I’ve tried list brown and white sugar, plus honey AND (to maximise rocketing insulin) golden syrup in their ingredients.