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Anshel Pfeffer

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer


Viral images signal failure on both sides of the conflict

September 2, 2015 17:52
One of the photos that went viral showing a skirmish between the members of the Tamimi family and an IDF soldier (Picture: Getty)
1 min read

The picture of an IDF soldier holding a rifle is a reassuring one for Jewish Israelis and many diaspora Jews as well.

It's an image that resonates in the minds of those who know that after 2,000 years in which Jews were vulnerable, they now have their own army protecting their own homeland.

For Palestinians and supporters of their national struggle around the world, the picture of a boy throwing a stone at an IDF soldier is no less inspiring. It proves to them that despite the Palestinians being on the losing side of the regional conflict for the past 67 years, another generation still has a fighting spirit that cannot be repressed.

The furore over the scenes near the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh last Friday attest to the power of these conflicting visions, but also to their limitations.