
IDF girl who fought Daesh returns to Israel

November 24, 2016 23:30
Gill Rosenberg
1 min read

A 31-year-old native of Canada who spent nine months fighting alongside a Kurdish militia against Daesh returned to Israel on Sunday.

"I think we as Jews, we say 'never again' for the Shoah, and I take it to mean not just for Jewish people, but for anyone, for any human being, especially a helpless woman or child in Syria or Iraq," Gill Rosenberg told Army Radio.

"But in the past few weeks I think a lot of the dynamics have changed there. The Iranian involvement is a lot more pronounced. I felt that it was time to come home."

Ms Rosenberg, who served in the IDF, said that she fought in Syria with the YPG, a Kurdish guerrilla unit, and then in Iraq with the Dwekh Nawsha, a Christian militia.

The Shin Bet interrogated Ms Rosenberg, although it seems unlikely that there will be any legal consequences for her actions.

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