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Anshel Pfeffer

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer


Regev seen as ideal advocate-envoy

August 20, 2015 11:57
3 min read

The appointment of Mark Regev as Israel's next envoy to Britain is widely seen as a reflection of his loyalty to the prime minister and his skills in talking to the media.

Benjamin Netanyahu's chief spokesman to the foreign media for the past eight years, Mr Regev, 55, fulfils the prime minister's main requirement: that the ambassador can act as Israel's chief advocate in the country in which he is posted.

His strong media profile, which includes a fierce round of verbal jousting with Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow at the height of the Gaza conflict last summer, has already endeared him to many in the Jewish community.

Mr Regev's relative lack of senior diplomatic experience - his last foreign posting was 11 years ago as spokesman in the Washington embassy - is not seen as a drawback because he will building on the work of two successful predecessors, Daniel Taub and Ron Prosor. He also arrives at a time when relations between the Cameron and Netanyahu governments are very strong. He is expected to take up the post in October.