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Geoffrey Alderman

ByGeoffrey Alderman, Geoffrey Alderman


A person of no importance?

August 16, 2013 10:58
3 min read

So tell me, just how important do you think you are? And – scarcely less significant but frightfully important nonetheless — just how important do you think you ought to be?

There is nothing deemed to be more important to the well-being of British Jews than the importance of being important. If any of you ever doubted the truth of this truism, you have only to consider the current row over the decision of the Board of Deputies of British Jews to establish an All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Jews (APPGBJ) — apparently without bothering to consult any person or organisation that believes she, he, it or they are so important that they ought to have been sounded out prior to the taking of this historic decision.

Take me, for instance.

I know and have reluctantly come to accept that I am just a schnipp, a nobody, a diminutive piece of grit floundering within the machinery of British Jewry, in short a Jew of anomalous insignificance.