
Spanish-language Google is swamped with antisemitic content

September 5, 2017 10:34
Google's stand at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February
1 min read

Input the word "Jew" into the Spanish version of Google and almost one in three of the results will prove to be antisemitic.

The shocking revelation emerged in a report by Observatorio Web, an Argentinian-based watchdog monitoring hatred and abuse online.

A third of Google searches with the word "Jewish", or "Judio" as it is in Spanish, led to antisemitic content, according to the research for the year 2016.  

In addition, the study revealed a growing trend for antisemitic videos on YouTube, with more and more people "liking" the hate-filled footage.

In January the clips received three likes for every one dislike but that increased to four to one by the end of the year.

Released last Friday, the report highlighted 484 Spanish-language videos that deny the Holocaust and have been viewed almost 1.7 million times in 2016 alone. Some of the videos are tagged with the word “holocuento”, a term used to lampoon the Holocaust or suggest it did not happen.

Meanwhile on Twitter anti-Jewish content is largely related to Israel and the trivialisation of the Holocaust.

Ariel Siedler, director of Observatorio Web, said: “There is a worrying positive viewing of antisemitic content and that is a growing trend. The most viewed are about Holocaust denial.”