
Rivlin: Nazi flags in US are 'beyond belief'

President condemns violence on the streets of 'Israel's most cherished and greatest ally'

August 16, 2017 17:32
Israel's president Rivlin, pictured during President Trump's visit to Israel, condemned neo-Nazi marches in Virginia
1 min read

Israel's President, Reuven Rivlin, tonight expressed his "support and solidarity" for the American Jewish community in the wake of the disturbances in Charlottesville at the weekend. 

In a letter to Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organisations, Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein, Mr Rivlin wrote: "At this difficult time I want to express my support and solidarity, and that of all the Israeli people, with you and your communities, and ask that you kindly convey this message on my behalf to the Jewish communities across the US."

The letter continued: "The very idea that in our time we would see a Nazi flag - perhaps the most vicious symbol of anti-Semitism - paraded in the streets of the world's greatest democracy, and Israel's most cherished and greatest ally is almost beyond belief.
"We have seen manifestations of anti-Semitism again and again arise across the world; in Europe and the Middle East. In the face of such evil, we stand now as we did then. With faith. With faith in humanity, with faith in democracy, and with faith in justice. I know that the great nation of the United States of America and its leaders will know how to face this difficult challenge, and prove to the world the robustness and strength of democracy and freedom."

Mr Rivlin did not make any reference to US President Donald Trump's remarks about the violent scenes in Virginia, in which one counter-protester to the fascist marchers was killed.