
Occupy Judaism leads Rosh Hashanah demonstration

September 20, 2012 10:02
1 min read

A group of Jewish activists from New York organised a demonstration to promote “social and economic justice” over Rosh Hashanah.

Occupy Judaism brought hundreds of people to Zuccotti Park in New York last Sunday evening.

Daniel Sieradski, the founder of Occupy Judaism, explained that many members of the group attended last year’s Occupy Wall Street protest, which drew more than 1,000 people to a Kol Nidre service.

“Occupy Wall Street is a protest and social justice movement made up of different parts. It is active in protesting against policy, trying to change policy and creating alternatives to existing policy, all working towards a more economically just society,” Mr Sieradski explained.

“The purpose is trying to address the exploitation of the working class by the financial industry and the participation of the government in that exploitation, the corruption of the banking world and Wall Street.

“Occupy Judaism organises Jewish rituals in order to bring together Jewish communities to celebrate social justice values in the Jewish tradition.”

Mr Sieradski added that Occupy Judaism held a New Year service to communicate an “authentic Jewish perspective on issues of social and economic justice.

“We hope to impart these values to participants so that they take them back into their lives and work as activists. These are genuine social justice values of a liberal American Jewry,” he said.

The event was sponsored by Jews for Racial and Economic Justice and Jewish Voice for Peace.

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