
Netanyahu bumps into Abbas in Paris – and they shake hands

November 30, 2015 12:10
Netanyahu and Abbas in 2010

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has met Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for the first time in five years – after bumping into him at the Paris climate conference.

The pair shook hands briefly but did not appear to speak to each other. They have not met face-to-face since 2010.

More than 150 heads of state and government leaders are at the UN Climate Change conference in France.

The Israeli and Palestinian leaders were placed close to each other for photocall of the statesmen and women on Monday.

The conference also saw Mr Netanyahu spend around 10 minutes chatting to Barack Obama, and he also briefly met David Cameron, Angela Merkel, and Francois Hollande.

Mr Netanyahu also met Prince Charles and invited him to visit Israel.