
Abbas admits rejecting Ehud Olmert's peace offer

November 19, 2015 11:50
19112015 abbas

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

In a recent interview with Israel's Channel 10, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas admitted for the first time that he turn down a peace offer from former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert.

Speaking about the 2008 negotiations, Mr Abbas said that he "rejected out of hand" a proposal from Mr Olmert under which Israel would annex 6.3 per cent of the West Bank and compensate the Palestinians with 5.8 per cent of pre-1967 Israel.

When questioned about his motives for rebutting the offer, he said that Mr Olmert had not given him a map of the territory swap being proposed, and that he could not "sign something that hasn't been given us".

Mr Abbas also put his refusal down to the fact that he was not an expert on maps, and that it was impossible for him to strike a long-lasting deal with someone who was on the point of losing office.

This fear was borne out, as Mr Olmert was forced to resign shortly afterwards over corruption scandals.