
Fox TV accidentally calls Jared Kushner 'Jared Kosher'

Embarrassment for The President's favourite news channel

July 12, 2017 16:29
1 min read

All news organisations are at risk of committing a typographical error now and then. It’s an unfortunate concomitant of writing a lot of words to a tight deadline.

Even the JC makes the odd slip.

But the chryon – what lay readers might call the ticker – at the bottom of this morning’s Fox and Friends broadcast had a particularly infelicitous example.

Donald Trump’s favourite news channel inadvertently called his favourite son-in-law "Jared Kosher."

Jonathan Levine, editor of media news website Mediaite, was first to point out the error and posted a screengrab to Twitter.

The denizens of Twitter, predictably, had a lot of fun with the slip: