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Who is Stephen Miller? the descendant of a refugee who is Trump’s anti-immigrant avatar

Jewish Stephen Miller is the ideological force behind some of Trump's most hard-right policies

August 10, 2017 09:16
2 min read

Even for a White House and media whose relationship has plumbed the depths of mutual animosity, the fiery exchanges last week between President Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser, Stephen Miller, and CNN’s Jim Acosta took some beating.

During a televised briefing, the two men traded barbs about the president’s new proposed legislation to halve immigration. As Mr Acosta accused the administration of betraying the spirit of the words which adorn the Statute of Liberty — “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” — Mr Miller charged the CNN anchor with “cosmopolitan bias”.

That Mr Miller should have chosen an epithet which, as the journalist Jeff Greenfield noted, has its roots in Soviet antisemitism and is now frequently deployed by the radical right to impugn the patriotism of their opponents, did not go unnoticed. Nor did the fact that Mr Miller’s riposte to Mr Acosta, that Emma Lazarus’s words were added 17 years after Lady Liberty’s dedication, rather ignored the fact that she originally wrote the New Colossus in 1892 in the wake of the onset of the Tsarist pogroms which ushered in a wave of Jewish immigration to the United States.

While Mr Trump will no doubt have revelled in his senior aide’s ferocious defence of a key administration priority, there was nothing staged about Mr Miller’s performance. Unlike other senior Jews in the president’s inner-circle — Mr Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, son-in-law Jared Kushner and chief economic adviser Gary Cohn — Mr Miller has no past association with liberal causes or the Democratic party. Instead, the 31-year-old — who wrote Mr Trump’s infamous “American carnage” inaugural address, was a prime mover behind January’s travel ban and has helped craft the new bill to cut immigration — is a true believer in the nationalist populism which many credit for last November’s shock election result.