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Controversial wartime Pope Pius XII's archives to be opened on March 2

Debate surrounds whether Pope Pius XII did enough to direct the Catholic Church to help Jews during the Holocaust

February 24, 2020 11:39
Pope Pius XII's Papacy ran from 1939 until 1958
3 min read

The Vatican will throw open the archives of controversial wartime Pope Pius XII on March 2, allowing scholars to probe documents on the Pope’s knowledge and actions relating to the Holocaust.

Holocaust researchers will be among the first to gain access, including some from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Bishop Sergio Pagano, Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Archive, said last week that the Holy See would leave scholars “to make a historical judgement”, although he believed the new documents “will better clarify, deepen and contextualise different aspects” of Pius XII’s papacy.

“We have no fear,” he continued, saying that Pius’ “good was so great it will dwarf the few shadows”.