
Students work to aid refugees

October 1, 2015 10:57

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

International student groups have launched a campaign in response to the refugee crisis.

The European and world unions of Jewish students have encouraged campus leaders to sign their "call to action", and published a list of 20 ways for groups to help refugees.

In France, the UEJF (Union of Jewish French students) held a fundraising concert, and in Belgium and Germany students have collected clothes and food.

EUJS president Benny Fischer said: "We believe that our responsibility to help is rooted in our core Jewish values. We have to stand up for human rights and for those so desperately in need of our help.

"Together with our friends at WUJS we want to not only encourage people to take action, but also to showcase where young Jews are already active themselves."

The Union of Jewish Students in the UK has signed the call for action but has yet to organise any specific events on British campuses.