
Refugee crisis link as well-wisher says it with flowers for Kindertransport

September 24, 2015 10:34
The floral tribute at the Liverpool Street Kindertransport sculpture

ByRosa Doherty, Rosa Doherty

1 min read

World Jewish Relief has applauded the "random act of kindness" that saw a Kindertransport statue covered with flowers.

Kindertransport - the Arrival is sited at Liverpool Street station, the arrival point for the trains that brought child refugees who were fleeing the Nazis to Britain.

WJR chief executive Paul Anticoni said it was a "heart-warming gesture", illustrating the "simple and dignified deep concern the British people have about the current refugee crisis.

"Although the Kindertransport and today's refugee crisis are far from identical, we are moved to act to save human life today, just as we did 80 years ago.

"As the plaque on the Liverpool Street monument reads: 'Whosoever rescues a single soul is credited as though they had saved the whole world'.'"

The bronze commemorative work by Frank Meisler - who arrived in London on the Kindertransport - was commissioned by WJR and the Association of Jewish Refugees in 2006. It stands 2.3 metres high.

Among those who admired the floral adornment was Rabbi Herschel Gluck, who said it was "usually negative things being done to these statues that the Jewish community learns about.

"So it is nice to see something so positive, especially at a time like this."