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Masorti to consider streaming Shabbat and Yomtov services

The American Conservative movement last month approved digital prayer on Shabbat as long as computer is switched on before

June 3, 2020 15:31
New video on how to make computers Shabbat-friendly posted by the American Conservative movement following its approval of streaming services for Shabbat and festivals
1 min read

Masorti rabbis are investigating the possibility of electronically streaming services for Shabbat and Yomtov.

While the movement permitted members to stream their Pesach Seder during lockdown  – as long as the technology was switched on before the festival – it has not supported digital services  other than  on weekdays.

But now its rabbis are considering whether to follow the Conservative movement in the USA, which last month approved the streaming of services.

In a statement, Masorti rabbis said while the movement had always taken “close account” of the American Conservatives’ decisions, “it has never been bound by them and, like the Israeli Masorti rabbinate, constitutes an independent unit with its own Bet Din.”