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The Jewish Chronicle

High Holy Day services are a big hit online

September 3, 2013 16:35

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

2 min read

A growing number of synagogues are enabling congregants to enjoy services without leaving their own home.

Hundreds are likely to be logging on to High Holy Day services this year streamed live by Progressive synagogues over the web.

Simon Myers, executive director of West London Synagogue, said; “This is will be the third Rosh Hashanah where we have streamed the service. All of our Friday evening, Shabbat morning and festival services are streamed.”

Finchley Reform Synagogue is one of half a dozen Reform communities in the UK which offer services online. It first aired its High Holy Day services five years ago and then began regular streaming the following year when it was thought that fears about swine flu might make people avoid public places.