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Jacob Rees-Mogg blasts the BBC for broadcasting ‘terror songs’

Corporation told it is 'living in cloud-cuckoo land' after rejecting assertion about folksongs aired on BBC Arabic

November 24, 2022 10:50
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ByBen Bloch, Politics Reporter

1 min read

Jacob Rees-Mogg has blasted the BBC after it claimed that a song condoning violence… did not condone violence.

Last week, the JC revealed that BBC Arabic, which has an audience of 36 million, had aired folksongs that glorified attacks on Jews and called for bloodshed.

One song, sung by musician Ashraf Sholi, was addressed to Palestinian militants and contained the lyrics: “Don’t leave your weapon in its sheath… From the Jerusalem mountains and from the plain, your blood, should it be shed on the earth, would make red freedom bloom.”