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IzBiz: the Israeli wheelchair that helps you stand up as you move

A fortnightly round-up of the latest from Israel's booming business sector

September 25, 2019 23:01
Facebook has acquired another Israeli company
2 min read
Compiled by
Jeremy Seeff

The Israeli wheelchair to helps you stand tall

An Israel-based startup has been cleared in the United States to market its standing wheelchair.

UPnRIDE Robotics’s wheeled, robotic, hoverboard-like device enables users who are unable to stand on their own to travel independently in an upright position.

The product is the first smart and robotic mobility device to provide full functionality both in standing and sitting positions, with full, safe and functional mobility.

It is suitable for most wheelchair users, including the elderly and people suffering from various health conditions such as paralysis, multiple sclerosis and following a stroke.