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IzBiz: how Israeli tech is helping prevent oil spills

A fortnightly round-up of the latest from Israel's booming business sector

July 16, 2019 14:19
Bezeq is moving offices
2 min read
Compiled by
Jeremy Seeff

More birds to the sky

Food packaging that is highly compostable and made from food waste and a platform for monitoring and detecting Parkinson’s disease are among nine projects that have been granted funding by a key industrial research & development foundation. 

The joint Israel-US foundation, known as Bird, as approved £6.5 million for the projects, a move that opens the door to private equity financing that could bring the total investment closer to £16 million.

After each project is approved by the Israel Innovation Authority and the US National Institute of Standard and Technology, Bird funds up to $1 million (£800,000) per project.

Nearly a thousand projects have been funded over the last 42 years. The foundation receives no equity and does not require repayment if a project fails.