
Israeli tech company’s shockingly brilliant solution to the problem of premature ejaculation

Device to administer tiny electric shocks could solve an age-old problem

October 24, 2017 14:50
1 min read

Around thirty per cent of men report issues around premature ejaculation at some time in their lives. Treatments have ranged from hypnosis to drugs but the problem can be as difficult to remedy as it is to discuss.

Now an Israeli start-up, Virility Medical, has developed a revolutionary new approach. A wearable skin patch, controlled by a smartphone, delivers a tiny electric shock to an intimate part of the male anatomy and corrects the issue before it occurs.

Clinical trials conducted by Dr. Eric Schechter and Professor Ilan Greenwald were reportedly a complete success, with no discernible side effects.

The below video may not be suitable for all ages

Zohar Gendler, CEO of venture capital firm NGT3 Fund told Israeli news site NRG  "According to a market survey we conducted, this is a significantly larger market potential than Viagra.”

Tal Golan from Virility Medical said that in the region of 79 million men in Europe and the United States suffer from premature ejaculation and that the patch – which was an accidental discovery spinning off from research into beauty treatments – could help them all.