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Hundreds gather outside offices of BBC to call out media’s silence on Hamas rapes

Spotlight thrown on the victims of October 7 and the 14 women and girls still held in captivity by terrorists in Gaza

February 4, 2024 20:58
Women with bloodied trousers, fake bruises and bound by rope protest outside BBC's offices in Portland Place, February 4, 2024
4 min read

BBC and other mainstream media have been strongly condemned for their silence over the sexual violence inflicted by Hamas and the lack of outrage over the 136 hostages still being held.

Several hundred people gathered outside the BBC’s headquarters in central London on Sunday, holding posters with the faces of hostages and the words “BBC, The Guardian, Channel 4, Sky: Your silence is loud” alongside Israeli and Iranian flags and Union Jacks.

A human installation of around 20 women and a few men wearing light trousers stained with fake blood around the crotch region, their faces covered with bruises using stage makeup, were bound and joined together by rope.

Demonstrators shouted: “Rape is not resistance!”, “Bring them home!”, and “Am Yisrael Chai!” outside the broadcaster’s offices in Portland Place.