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Saving lives on a daily basis — on the road with Magen David Adom

Special Report: Magen David Adom UK at 70 and its vital aid to Israeli Emergency Services

June 12, 2019 08:54
(Photo: MDA)
9 min read

As the ambulance hurtles through the streets of Tel Aviv, Shmuel breathes erratically through an oxygen mask, which occasionally has to be repositioned further up his nose.

It’s an improvement on his condition a few minutes earlier. When the Magen David Adom emergency team I am shadowing arrived at the old age home, the octogenarian was unconscious, with what appeared to be a blockage in his airway. His carer had been feeding him soup when he started choking.

After placing him on a stretcher and introducing a Combitube, the team of three paramedics, including the driver, manage to remove much of the blockage. Later, the chief paramedic on the shift would explain he was reluctant to try a full tracheal intubation, given the age of the patient and the risk of the adverse effect it could have on his lungs.

By the time the ambulance reaches the hospital, Shmuel is awake and responsive, reacting when his name is called. He is wheeled into A&E, where a few minutes later his son arrives, kissing Shmuel on the head. He will be fine, God willing. Thanks to Magen David Adom.