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Extinction Rebellion: Activism rooted in 'Jewish values'

A daily contingent of approximately ten demonstrators made up the Jewish delegation during each day of the protests — but swelled to about 80 during the Extinction Rebellion Seder

July 8, 2019 15:23
A gathering of Extinction Rebellion Jews

ByBen Weich, ben weich

2 min read

Long before Green Shabbat, members of the Jewish community made a stand on climate change by playing a small but significant role in London’s Extinction Rebellion protests.

The general protest ran for ten days from April 15 and saw the non-violent occupation of Oxford Circus, Marble Arch, Waterloo Bridge and Parliament Square.

A daily contingent of approximately ten demonstrators made up the Jewish delegation each day — but numbers spiked to around 80 during a Seder held in Parliament Square.

Three Jewish demonstrators also participated in the protest’s opening ceremony by sounding 12 blasts of the shofar, symbolising the 12 years climate scientists say humanity has left to prevent “irreversible climate breakdown”, while Rabbi Jeffrey Newman of Finchley Reform Synagogue spoke at the closing ceremony.