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Celebrate Green Shabbat this weekend - and save the planet

Ahead of the first ever Green Shabbat, community leaders reflect on what the environment means to them

July 5, 2019 16:06
A team from the Danish Meteorological Institute travels across melted sea ice to retrieve equipment (Photo; Steffen Olsen of the Centre for Ocean and Ice at the Danish Meteoroligical Institute)

ByBen Weich, Ben weich

8 min read

Congregations across the UK will take part this weekend in the first ever Green Shabbat, which coincides with London Climate Action Week.

Shuls have been asked to take part in five separate activities, including inviting speakers to discuss climate change and holding single use plastic-free ‘Green Kiddushim’, with locally-sourced, seasonal and vegan food.

Participating congregations have been asked to switch to eco energy suppliers and the Eco Synagogue project, which has coordinated Green Shabbat, has offered to perform ‘green audits’ of shuls.

Shuls have also been encouraged to screen a film on the environment, such as Sir David Attenborough’s BBC film, Climate Change — the Facts.