
Daughter of Lord Janner ‘grateful’ for support following his death

January 4, 2016 15:46
laura janner klausner oct 2015 USE THIS ONE

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

Laura Janner-Klausner, senior rabbi to the Movement for Reform Judaism, has written for the first time in depth about the death of her father, Lord Janner.

In a post on social media, Rabbi Janner-Klausner said she was trying to process the “extreme challenges” of the past year.

Her father’s death at the age of 87 last month, following a long illness, had come “peacefully”, she wrote.

An ongoing legal case had been investigating claims against him relating to historic child abuse, but a series of judges had ruled he was not fit to stand trial.

The family has strongly denied any wrongdoing.

In her Facebook post on Saturday night, Rabbi Janner-Klausner wrote: “It has been a month since I posted an update (apart from the details of the funeral et cetera) on Facebook.

“I'm still trying to even begin to process the past year with all its extreme challenges and also the accompanying blessing of people standing right by our sides with absolutely steadfast support.

“It was such a blessing that our father (z"l) died so peacefully. It's a very strange world where I started to write my thoughts about him here but realised that I can't because of the accusations that are ongoing.

“I just would like to use this space to say how much I am grateful for feeling so loved and how this has been the total difference between drowning and being resilient.”

Last week she attended the Limmud conference in Birmingham. While there her life was “totally enriched by new love”, Rabbi Janner-Klausner said.

“I'm using this time now to read properly the beautiful things that people have written in condolence letters and emails and to try and restore my body and soul towards the next secular year.

“Wishing all of us a year of health, strength, joy and positive surprises!”

The post has been liked more than 225 times on Facebook, with more than two dozen people leaving messages of support for the Janner family.