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West End kosher options expand with Selfridges counter

Oxford Street store displays Hermolis deli range

July 19, 2018 12:24
1 min read

West End shoppers have increased kosher options through a new deli counter at Selfridges in Oxford Street featuring Hermolis products.

The range includes schnitzels, spring rolls, kebabs, breaded lamb chops, chicken wings, fish products and salads. Traditional Shabbat dishes will be on sale on Thursdays and Fridays.

Supervision is provided by the Kashrut Division London Beth Din, whose director, Rabbi Jeremy Conway, said: “We are confident the counter will be of huge benefit to thousands of kosher consumers both resident and visiting the area.”

Hermolis operations manager David Colman was excited by the showcase “in the heart of the capital. We look forward to serving customers with kosher gourmet food.”