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Kosher wine and spirits are on the up - and we'll drink to that

Central London food and drink experience attracts record crowd and exhibitors

February 1, 2018 16:04
Kedem Food & Wine Event 2018-48.jpg
2 min read

When Kedem staged its first Kosher Food and Wine Experience in London a dozen years ago, barely 50 people turned up.

But demand for the event has grown apace with the burgeoning reputation of kosher wines and spirits and 800 people filled the ballroom of the Sheraton Park Lane Hotel on Wednesday evening for the biggest event to date, featuring a record 40-plus exhibitors.

As well as a number of increasingly well-known Israeli labels, there were wines to sample from America, New Zealand, Argentina, France and Spain, Finnish vodka, Swiss liqueur and gin and whiskies from the US. At least the mountainous and constantly replenished selection of sushi, salads and meats meant patrons had no need to imbibe on an empty stomach.

Around 100 ticket buyers went for the VIP option, enjoying what Kedem Europe general manager Benjamin Gestetner described as "a nicer dining experience and exclusive wines and whiskies".