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Jewish food secrets revealed at Cookery School, W1

A night of learning left me with a recipe for light-as-air matzah balls and a yearning for a pressure cooker.

December 6, 2017 22:55
2 min read

Jewish food has been developed over centuries. It's home-cooked food, evolved by hundreds of thousands of women (and men) in as many homes. Today, each family has their own version of a recipe. They will think it the best. They will also have their own view on whether kneidles should be bouncy or feather-light, or whether gefilte fish should be served with a carrot hat. Where did that come from?  

So, when I was invited to join a Jewish cookery class it was a chance to learn about new flavours and methods.

The venue — the unassumingly named Cookery School in Little Portland Street. A bijoux academy comprised of two kitchens perfectly placed for a spending splurge, headed up by the wonderful Rosalind Rathouse.