More than £10 million of cuts by Salford Council to adult and childcare budgets will significantly impact on local Jewish charities and families.
Greater Manchester’s largest Jewish welfare charity, The Fed, says the latest tranche of cuts will mean the loss of Salford funding for its short-term respite service to families caring for a disabled relative.
“We aim to continue the service with funding from voluntary income,” said its director of community services, Mark Cunningham. “This is an essential service for carers and one we would fight hard to retain. Cuts to [families’] personal budgets will inevitably affect people’s ability to buy in respite and other support services and could make life a lot tougher for those living with an illness or disability, or caring for someone who is ill or disabled.”
Goldie Benedikt, who cares for her disabled daughter, Rivki, eight, with her husband, said any cuts in respite aid would “make a big difference.