Yavneh College student Keshet Dor has won a Yopey award recognising teenagers "who are positive role models".
Keshet, 13, was selected for the Hertfordshire area award after marking her batmitzvah by donating £300 to buy software helping clients of educational needs charity Kisharon to communicate. She also regularly visits an 11-year-old Kisharon client with severe physical and learning difficulties. "I've known him for a year now and it's been so incredible to see his development and form a bond with him."
She has helped with the children's service at the Masorti synagogue in Elstree for the past four years and makes sandwiches for a homeless support centre in Watford.
"I never thought in a million years I would win it," she said of the award. "I am smiling non-stop."
She volunteered "because it makes me feel happy, and also for the people I help, to make them feel the same way. Once you get into it, it's infectious."