
Parents still unhappy after meeting at ‘inadequate’ Hertsmere Primary

'If this was a corporate business, the whole governing body would step down. They have let us down'

April 5, 2019 11:47
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BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker RADLETT

1 min read

Hertsmere Jewish Primary chair Iain Blakeley has claimed widespread parental support for governors’ efforts to tackle the problems that led to the Radlett school being downgraded by Ofsted from outstanding to inadequate last month.

But several parents have expressed anger that they were only allowed to submit written questions at a meeting at the school last Wednesday, following the critical inspection report.

Ofsted said professional boundaries between staff, governors and other members of the community had become blurred. Confidential matters were “shared too openly”.

Mr Blakeley told the JC that when he asked governors to identify themselves at last week’s meeting, “there was a huge round of applause around the entire room consisting of circa 300 parents, which in itself shows that the parent body are extremely supportive of the governing body”.

He and others who had addressed the meeting — including representatives of Hertfordshire County Council and the school’s denominational authority, the United Synagogue — had remained behind for 45 minutes to talk with parents. At least 60 parents had since voiced verbal support, Mr Blakeley claimed.

The only questions not answered at the meeting were for “confidentiality reasons” because they related to staff.

Mr Blakeley, who became chairman last year, insisted that three new governors recruited last autumn were “all 100 per cent independent” — a response to complaints that they had social ties with other governors. “Not all are known by myself or any other governor.” Every prospective governor was interviewed by a panel of governors who had never met them.

Parents have told the JC that too many parents of children are employed at the school, leading to an “incestuous” atmosphere — and that some children of staff or governors are being “protected” from disciplinary action.

Mr Blakeley dismissed claims of favouritism as “absolutely incorrect”.

Some parents, however, remain unappeased.

“If this was a corporate business, the whole governing body would step down,” said one. “They have let us down.”

Echoing the sentiments, another called for “an entirely new board. How are things going to change with the same people doing the same job? The school needs a serious dose of independent people who are not affiliated to the chairman.”

Last week’s meeting was “like a dictatorship”, she complained, with parents unable to speak.

Another said: “When someone put their hand up, they were immediately shot down.”

A further parent referred to “two very distinct camps. The governors and their friends, who are very-pro the governing body. And those not in the loop, who are very disappointed.”

Headteacher Rita Alak-Levi told the meeting staff had signed a new code of conduct, declaring friendships, tutoring and social media relationships. Teachers could not tutor on school premises or tutor pupils in their own class.