Governors try to restore confidence in school's leadership after shock 'inadequate' rating
March 28, 2019 15:07BySimon Rocker, Simon rocker
Governors of Hertsmere Jewish Primary School in Radlett are trying to restore confidence in its leadership following a shock downgrading by Ofsted from “outstanding” to “inadequate”.
Nearly a quarter of parents who responded to Ofsted’s “parent view” website were dissatisfied with the management of the school, which had enjoyed outstanding status for 13 years.
In a letter to parents revealing the inspection verdict, chairman of governors Iain Blakeley said it had fallen short because of a failure to maintain a “positive culture of safeguarding”, but reassured them that steps to address weaknesses had already been under way.
But some parents told the JC, ahead of a meeting at the school due to take place on Wednesday evening, they wanted change at the top.
One sought a clean sweep of the governing body, saying it had been “utterly incompetent”, while another believed that at least Mr Blakeley, who became chairman last year, and the vice-chairman of governors, should go.
Although inspectors found teaching good and pupil achievement above average, they said leaders and governors had “allowed the professional boundaries between staff, governors and other members of the community to blur. Matters which should have remained confidential have been shared too openly.”
Some parents, Ofsted reported, expressed “significant reluctance to speak with members of staff in case what they said was shared too widely. This has eroded the open and trusting culture required for people to share the information leaders need to keep pupils safe.”
While some safeguarding files were well-kept, some behaviour records were missing and others varied in quality, which, Ofsted said, “undermines leaders’ ability to keep pupils safe”.
Its 457 pupils felt safe and behaved well and early years provision was a strength, inspectors reported.
In his letter, Mr Blakeley said the school had always been proud of being “at the heart of a close-knit community — something which brings with it great advantages for our pupils.” But this, he said, “also meant… that appropriate boundaries have not been maintained.”
Among action taken, he said, was the appointment of a headteacher with a “no-nonsense approach” from “outside the immediate community”, Rita Alak-Levi, as well as independent governors.
Mrs Alak-Levi was confirmed in her position at the end of January after serving for nearly a year as acting head, following the abrupt departure of previous head Stephen Isaacs last February.
The JC has also learned Hertfordshire County Council carried out a governance review, which was being acted on by the governors at the time of the Ofsted inspection in January.
One parent complained there had been an “incestuous” atmosphere, with too many parents of children employed at the school and staff being allowed to tutor children. Another complained of a “closed culture” among the leadership.
One governor who raised concerns was voted off the body by colleagues last year, but then restored on appeal.
According to the Ofsted “parent view” site, 90 per cent of respondents believe their children are happy at HJPS — but over a fifth do not believe the school deals effectively with bullying.
Earlier this month, governors issued a code of conduct for parents, warning that rude or aggressive behaviour towards teachers could lead to their banning from the site.
As a result of its inadequate grade, HJPS must now switch to academy status.