ByJC Reporter, JC Reporter
Special needs charity Kisharon has received planning permission for a 72-place school in Hendon, enabling it to double its capacity.
There were tears from school leaders, parents and pupils who packed the public gallery as Barnet Council’s planning committee approved the proposals for a special educational needs and disability school.
Emma Castleton, a parent and governor, spoke in favour of the project along with Paul Darnell, director of corporate services.
Councillors accepted that changes to the intended site in Parson Street would have a positive impact on the Grade II-listed premises.
Kisharon has outgrown its Golders Green site, where it currently has 35 pupils.
The charity has established the demand for more special needs places in Barnet, as have reports commissioned by the council.
However, the new school — covering both the primary and secondary age groups — is also likely to attract pupils from surrounding boroughs.
The hope is to have the new premises available for the start of the 2019 academic year.
Dr Beverley Jacobson, the Kisharon chief executive, said “anyone attending the planning meeting would have witnessed the demand and passion from within the community for the proposed new school.
“The larger numbers of students will enable us to create specialised learning zones catering for children with autism, severe learning disabilities and profound and multiple learning disabilities.
“This will enable Kisharon School to increase its reach, focus and impact to achieve all-important outcomes for parents and, most importantly, for the children whose learning we support.”
The project is backed by local MP Matthew Offord and GLA member Andrew Dismore. Mr Dismore said after the meeting: “Kisharon does an excellent job and is well respected. Given our large local Jewish community, this is a vital specialist service.”