Kosher London Beth Din is keen to make Pesach as easy and as financially accessible as the cost of living crisis bites
March 30, 2023 13:22This year, thank God, we can celebrate Pesach in relative safety after the challenges of the pandemic. However, the ongoing cost-of-living crisis means many are struggling to make ends meet.
Over eight days, many of us are blessed to have gatherings where we entertain family and friends and, of course, enjoy two special Seder nights. The shopping for several large meals quickly adds up and it’s particularly challenging with the rise in food prices.
KLBD (Kosher London Beth Din) is keen to make Pesach as easy and as financially accessible as possible whilst ensuring the highest kashrut standards are maintained.
Over the last few years, KLBD has worked with major manufacturers to encourage them to have their products certified as kosher throughout the year, including for Passover, so kosher consumers can benefit both from the lower prices of mainstream brands, as well as increased accessibility.
A number of Tate & Lyle sugars, for example, now bear a KLBD-P symbol and can be purchased for Pesach from regular shops at the year-round price.
Saxa salt, Yorkshire Tea and many Nescafé products can now be enjoyed at Pesach without bearing a kosher l’Pesach (KLP) seal.
Not all tea and coffee can be permitted, however. Decaffeinated tea or coffee often uses alcohol in the decaffeination process, which is commonly a chametz source such as wheat.
Preparing early for Pesach, we worked with the producer Taam Tuv last autumn to ensure there would be a range of sunflower oil at regular prices. It is currently on sale for £1.99 in Kosher Kingdom — cheaper than some supermarkets’ own brand.
And for the many members of our community who have to avoid sugar, we have ensured a kosher for Pesach supply of xylitol — a sugar substitute — by working with a company called Puresweet. It bears the KLBD-P logo and is available from kosher shops.
Staples such as meat, chicken, fish, fruit and vegetables, grape juice and wine are all available at regular prices. Matzah is competitively priced and sometimes runs as a loss leader in supermarkets.
While it is always preferable to buy fish from a kosher supervised fishmonger, frozen fish, whole or filleted, can be used as a cheaper alternative, provided no other ingredients have been added.
Regular eggs may also be purchased, although they can be more problematic than the white eggs sold in kosher shops, which generally have a lower incidence of blood spots. KLBD also permits some leading brands of still and carbonated water, which can be purchased without a special KLP hechsher.
We have researched and approved many regular sweeteners and medicines so that people can save money. Check out the KLBD product search at
We are often asked why products — beyond the obvious things like matzah — need Pesach supervision. In addition to the fact that even “simple” products like tea and coffee might contain chametz, it is a longstanding practice.
During the pandemic, KLBD released an “in extremis” list to help those unable to obtain food from kosher shops with certain items which could be relied on in an emergency. Today, mercifully, an “in extremis” list is not appropriate.
However, we know members of our community are struggling financially and recognise that others may live in areas where KLP-supervised products are simply not available.
KLBD and United Synagogue rabbis are happy to advise where especially difficult circumstances apply.
It is worth pointing out that KLBD doesn’t set the price of kosher food — and where supervision is provided, this is charged at cost.
Most Pesach products come from Israel or America and rising transport costs push up prices. Fortunately, only four cups of wine are obligatory on Pesach. Coke and KLP cakes remain optional luxuries and one can fulfil all the Pesach mitzvot without them!
Rabbi Jeremy Conway is director of KLBD. Full information on Pesach products can be found at